Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lucky Dog Bark and Brew: Donations for Oklahoma!

I watched Miranda Lambert perform at the relief concert for Oklahoma tornado victims. I cried. She cried. We all cried. I probably could have held it together if it weren't for the animals they showed in the background. They are suffering too!

Lucky Dog Bark and Brew is my (and Jerry's) favorite place (more to come on this topic!). The owners are awesome. So awesome in fact, that they are going to take a truckful of donations out to Oklahoma on June 14th.

Check out the Facebook event for more details.

Please, please if you are in the Lake Norman or Charlotte area, take the time to donate to this cause.

Here is the wish list:
  • Pet Beds / Blankets
  • Leashes / Collars
  • Food
  • Bowls
  • Crates
  • Medicine
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Towels
  • Shampoo 
  • Brushes
  • Work Gloves
  • Anything else you think that could help 

Disclaimer: Lucky Dog has no idea that I wrote this post, and I am not receiving compensation of any kind to promote it. I just love the place!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blogging again?

Hey everyone, after another long-ish blog hiatus, I hope to be back with some interesting posts! I have a lot going on in my life right now. Exciting things! And I want to be able to document them here.

Let's see. The biggest news is that I am building a townhouse!! They haven't broken ground yet, but I am so anxiously awaiting the news when they will. I have moved so many times over the past 5 years, and I am thrilled to be making a move that will last a bit longer than the past ones.

Jerry is still doing well - he is getting huge! Sitting on my lap as I type. I think he wants his gf Mackenzie the yorkie to get on gchat.

I am going to be doing yet another round of Best Body Bootcamp! Tina has put in a few updates in this round, so if you are looking for something to shake up your routine, this is the place to go! She does a great job putting together thoughtful and effective workouts. The community of participants is great as well! I slacked on the last 2 weeks of this past round due to pure lack of structured gym time. I plan to take this next round a lot more seriously. Once this round ends, I am going to start the New Rules of Lifting for Women program.

I also joined a group for Charlotte-area bloggers - Queen City Blogs. I am looking forward to connecting with others in the area and making new blog friends!!

I will be back soon!!! I made a killer spinach artichoke dip this weekend: recipe to follow.

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