Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lucky Dog Bark and Brew: Donations for Oklahoma!

I watched Miranda Lambert perform at the relief concert for Oklahoma tornado victims. I cried. She cried. We all cried. I probably could have held it together if it weren't for the animals they showed in the background. They are suffering too!

Lucky Dog Bark and Brew is my (and Jerry's) favorite place (more to come on this topic!). The owners are awesome. So awesome in fact, that they are going to take a truckful of donations out to Oklahoma on June 14th.

Check out the Facebook event for more details.

Please, please if you are in the Lake Norman or Charlotte area, take the time to donate to this cause.

Here is the wish list:
  • Pet Beds / Blankets
  • Leashes / Collars
  • Food
  • Bowls
  • Crates
  • Medicine
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Towels
  • Shampoo 
  • Brushes
  • Work Gloves
  • Anything else you think that could help 

Disclaimer: Lucky Dog has no idea that I wrote this post, and I am not receiving compensation of any kind to promote it. I just love the place!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blogging again?

Hey everyone, after another long-ish blog hiatus, I hope to be back with some interesting posts! I have a lot going on in my life right now. Exciting things! And I want to be able to document them here.

Let's see. The biggest news is that I am building a townhouse!! They haven't broken ground yet, but I am so anxiously awaiting the news when they will. I have moved so many times over the past 5 years, and I am thrilled to be making a move that will last a bit longer than the past ones.

Jerry is still doing well - he is getting huge! Sitting on my lap as I type. I think he wants his gf Mackenzie the yorkie to get on gchat.

I am going to be doing yet another round of Best Body Bootcamp! Tina has put in a few updates in this round, so if you are looking for something to shake up your routine, this is the place to go! She does a great job putting together thoughtful and effective workouts. The community of participants is great as well! I slacked on the last 2 weeks of this past round due to pure lack of structured gym time. I plan to take this next round a lot more seriously. Once this round ends, I am going to start the New Rules of Lifting for Women program.

I also joined a group for Charlotte-area bloggers - Queen City Blogs. I am looking forward to connecting with others in the area and making new blog friends!!

I will be back soon!!! I made a killer spinach artichoke dip this weekend: recipe to follow.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jerry's favorite things

So, if you know me in real life, you know (probably way too much) about my dog, Jerry. He is pretty awesome. Crazy, but awesome. Friday is his 6 month birthday and I wanted to share a little bit more about him.

Warning: this is a major photo bomb post... but it's cute puppy pictures, so how can you resist? 

How did I fall in love with Jerry? Well, I saw this little face and HAD to have him. He wasn't even 3 lbs when I got him.

Fun facts about Jerry:

  • He is a pug/chihuahua mix - I think he has some beagle in him too 
  • He has the appetite of a pug, the mannerisms of a chihuahua, and the nose of a beagle. 
  • He weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs yesterday! 

Favorite toy: Lamb Chop (close second: puppies)



Favorite solo activity: Chewing on bones (his other one is NSFW, and it involves Lamb Chop)

Favorite chore: Loading the dishwasher (close second: sorting dirty laundry)

Favorite electronic activity: G-chatting his girlfriend who lives in GA, Mackenzie

Favorite places to lay: on remotes and/or cell phones (close second: anywhere I would like to put my legs/feet)



Favorite form of exercise: Zooming around the apartment in circles (close second: going for walks, taking lots of breaks to rest, or you know, just sit and relax)

Favorite social activity: The bar

Favorite beverage: coffee (close second: beer)



Least favorite thing: being woken up rudely from naps for pictures (close second: dressing up for the holidays)



I hope you enjoyed this picture-filled Jerry recap!!

Best Body Bootcamp - Week 4

Hi Everyone, sorry I skipped my Week 3 update... I've been slacking! Not in the workout department though - I've still been going strong.

Here is the plan for week 4:

Monday: Eliptical Intervals (30 mins) + Walk the dog (45 mins)
Tuesday: Walk the dog (60 mins) + Group Core (30 mins)
Wednesday: Group Centergy (60 mins) - inclement weather plan, take the night off (we are supposed to have tornadoes)
Thursday: Workout B - strength intervals
Friday: Workout C - endurance intervals
Saturday: Workout A - strength intervals
Sunday:  Group Centergy (60 mins)

I can almost guarantee that one of those weekend days, I will be taking off!

Here are my weekly goals...

Drink at least 64 oz of water at work + more at home
Walk the dog every day

Doable? I think so!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Best Body Bootcamp - Week 2

 It's Week 2, and I'm still feeling good! I ended my no-candy streak in a BIG way on Sunday... whoopsiessss. I didn't have a great weekend of eating, but what can ya do. I enjoyed myself and had a great time with my family! My parents got their new puppy! Her name is Lily! Before I ramble on any longer, here is a picture - beware, the cuteness will ooze out of your computer screen. If you are on your iPad, it might spontaneously combust! Not sure if it can handle all this...

On to my workouts for the week:

Monday: 60 min Group Centergy class
Tuesday: Walked to and from gym, Workout A (circuit training)
Wednesday: 60 min Group Centergy class, 75 min walk with Jerry
Thursday: Workout B (core circuit) - planned
Friday: Workout C (circuit training) - planned

I am going to the mountains this weekend, so I am not planning any workouts while I am there. Hopefully I will be spending a good amount of time outside, exploring the city (and let's be realistic - the bars). I want to be mindful of what I eat, but I won't be logging in My Fitness Pal. I have adopted the approach of being pretty strict with meals and tracking during the week, but being a lot more relaxed on the weekends (if I have something going on). We'll see how it all turns out when I take my measurements again at the end of week 4! If I'm not seeing positive results, I will reevaluate.

Let's hope the rest of this week flies by!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thoughts on: Group Exercise Classes

I have always been pretty opposed to group exercise classes. Me and a bunch of other people in a room, all sweating and gasping for air? Let's not even discuss that there is always a farter in the room. I know, I know, they can't help it.

I've since changed my perspective on group classes. I think I had never taken one I really loved. Ok, I had only taken Zumba, and a core class - where I accidentally took someones set-up and was forever traumatized. I just had no clue...  At my former (co-ed) gym, I was always too intimidated to take any group classes. I never wanted to use any form of weights in front of the opposite sex. Embarrassed? Awkward? Self-conscious? Clueless? All of the above.

Now that I am at an all-female gym, I have been hitting the weights with no fear. I used to use weights, but in my apartment. I never pushed myself as hard, or cared all that much when I was in my apartment and working out with weights. The gym provides me with a non-threatening environment, and never once have I felt intimidated.

But back to the classes. I really love love love the classes that my gym has to offer. Because I feel so comfortable there, I feel comfortable taking the classes. I've never once been embarrassed or self-conscious. Awkward and clueless? Totally. Hence the reason I stopped taking Zumba. Just call me Miss Coordinated.

I pretty faithfully take two group classes at my gym. Group Core and Group Centergy, from the Body Training Systems series. Awesome, awesome classes. They get new music/routines every 3 months, to shake up what your body is used to. I really should try more classes... but between these classes, boot camp workouts, and walking the dog - I am pretty set in my routine! Let's talk more about the classes I do take...

Group Core is a 30 minute "quick hit" class. It is a good combo of ab work as well as other strength training. All of the exercises are core-focused, but you definitely work your arms with a weighted plate, and there are plenty of squats and lunges. And planks. So many planks. I usually do this class once a week.

Group Centergy is my favorite. I was really hesitant at first, because I had only done yoga and Pilates via DVD at home. I hated yoga, mostly because i am not flexible. But Jill, who took me on the initial gym tour, convinced me! And now I am hooked. Centergy is a blend of tai chi, Pilates and yoga. I LOVE THIS CLASS. It is an hour class, where you are doing higher intensity moves for about 30 mins, including ab work (back and 'traditional' abs) as well as about 30 minutes of stretching work - opening up the hips, rotating the spine, and stretching out the legs. I always feel so great after taking this class, and I usually take it at least twice a week.

This week I worked out in the morning (before work) for the first time IN MY LIFE. There was a 5:45 AM Centergy class, and I went for it. This one is an express class (45 mins), meaning they take out two of the songs that are usually in the regular class. It was such a great way to start the day, and it was awesome not having to work out after work! Besides, I had more important matters to attend to, like happy hour.

What group classes do you take? Which ones should I try?? 

*Note: no one from BTS asked me to write this post nor am I being compensated in any way. I just love these classes. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Best Body Bootcamp 4 - Week 1

Two posts in a row... cray-cray!

So I've made it 5 days of Best Body Bootcamp, and I live to tell the tale.

This week has been really good - after oh... 2 months of not caring at all about what I ate, and exercising sporadically, it feels so good to be back in a routine of healthy living. After being on a candy bender over Christmas, I had to detox myself. My sweets of choice this week have been: berries, sugar free pudding, and a few bowls of peanut butter Cheerios (love). No chocolate or candy - it's helped cut down on the sugar cravings dramatically, or maybe it's all in my head. Who knows, either way, I'm gonna go with it.

For Best Body Bootcamp, we have to set two healthy goals each week. They could be anything related to healthy living. I chose: walk Jerry around the block and floss every night. Things I should be doing every day right? Right, but I wasn't. I had a dog that also needed to be on a post-holiday diet, and my teeth just felt gross. Everyday (except today) has been decent weather-wise, and I've managed to get Jerry around the block (or longer) every day! We did make it on a walk today, even though it was a little dreary. He loves it, and I am enjoying it too. Most days I take him for a quick walk at lunchtime, which works perfectly. A nice break in the day for both of us!

As far as workouts go, it feels really good to be back at the gym. This is what I have done so far this week, and what I have planned for the weekend.

Monday: Core class + 30 minutes of elliptical intervals
Tuesday: Boot Camp Fitness Test + circuit intervals on the stability ball and treadmill (bootcamp workout)
Wednesday: 75 minute walk with Jerry, still didn't tire him out
Thursday: 45 minute Centergy class (5:45 AM - a FIRST in my life, a morning workout. Can't say I loved it, but I didn't hate it)
Friday: 40 minute walk with Jerry
Saturday: Core circuit (bootcamp workout)
Sunday: Maybe Centergy class, maybe more circuit intervals, maybe nothing??

I'm more motivated than I have ever been to get fit. I have a lot of reasons why, but the most important reason is that I want to do it for me!

I'm off to enjoy my evening - the family is coming to town tomorrow because my parents are adopting a new puppy! More to come... :) 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Don't worry, I'm alive

I know everyone has been very concerned since I have disappeared from the blog world for oh, 4 months. Although, I think the only people who read this are people who I talk to on a regular basis - so hopefully you guys haven't been too concerned!

Since then, only one really awesome thing has happened to me. I adopted a puppy! His name is Jerry and he is awesome. The picture below is from about a week after I got him, he was just a 3 lb tiny little thing!! He came with me and my friend Meredith to a beer and wine festival. He loved it. He loves to go anywhere that he gets attention... wonder where he gets that from?

Now, this is my 5 month old, 11 lb beast. He is a pug chihuahua, although I think he has some beagle in him. Anyone have a doggie DNA test they would like to donate to the cause??

I am also starting Best Body Boot Camp again. I missed round 3, but I am back and more ready than ever for round 4. I gained some "holiday weight" (haven't we all?) and looked at some pictures of mine from back in September, when I was hardcore in my gym routine. I looked awesome, and had no idea. So it is time for me to get back there. I have had two days in a row of clean eating, and sticking to what I had planned in My Fitness Pal. It may not sound like a lot, but that is a big deal for me. I have a tendency to go crazy on the chocolate (M&M's specifically), which are in my apartment right now but have gone untouched since Sunday!

Super excited about getting back in to my gym routine... I joined a new gym: Carolina Women Fitness. It is AWESOME! It is all-female, which just makes me more comfortable with using the equipment and attending the classes. A very non-threatening environment. I am doing the Boot Camp workouts in addition to some of my favorite classes: Group Core and Group Centergy! I will do some more Boot Camp focused posts in the future, hopefully I can get back to regular blogging again!
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