Monday: Eliptical (lunch) + pilates (after work) <- didn't happen
Tuesday:2.5 mile run <- major struggle with cramping
Wednesday:Eliptical (lunch)
Thursday:3 mile run <- turned in to a 5K run + 5K walk
Friday: Pilates (after work) + maybe walking
Saturday: 5K (?)
Friday: Pilates (after work) + maybe walking
Saturday: 5K (?)
So far, so good. I will consider myself on track.
Today was the most gorgeous day in Charlotte: 78 degrees and sunny. It was hard to believe that spring is not quite here yet! And I had a 3 mile run on the training plan (groan). This week I have really lost running confidence in myself. I took a break from running and just lost my mojo. I am not a natural runner, but I have come a long way since I started running in August (reminder to self!). Even so, I have been doubting my abilities. However, I signed up (and paid for) a race on Saturday, and I want to give it my all. If there is one thing I am, it is stubborn; so, 3 miles would indeed be run today. I had no excuses: no headache, hydrated, perfect weather.
I set out on my run, and decided to take it pretty easy today. I wanted to successfully finish 3 miles, and not struggle too badly. My apartment complex is essentially located at the top of a slightly graded hill. When I go out, I am mostly going down hill. When I come back, I am mostly going (slightly) uphill. I always love tolerate the first half of my run, but coming back just kind of sucks. I decided to run a 'confidence' 5K today.
What the heck is a 'confidence' 5K? I don't even know. I made it up somewhere around mile 1 while I was talking myself in to actually running 3 miles. I took it easy speed and hill-wise, but decided to run the first part of my long route (not my usual 3-ish mile route): mostly graded downhill, but with a few good uphills (enough to give me an excellent workout, without wearing me out or giving me bad cramps). I completed running (!) the 5K in 36 minutes. That made me feel great! Strong and powerful. And tired.
But, I had to get back to my apartment. After the first 'cool down' quarter mile or so, I got my second wind. So, I decided to wind through the neighborhoods surrounding my apartment and finish the second half of my workout by walking a 5K. The walking leg took me about 46 minutes.
I finished the workout in just over 1 hour and 22 minutes! Not a bad 10K time if I do say so myself... I am proud that I pushed myself today Not to toot my own horn, but I really wanted to write this post so that when I am feeling unmotivated or unable, I can look back and be reminded of today!
P.S. sorry for the lack of cutesy workout pictures. I am not a fan post-workout pictures in other people's blogs. Pet peeve, but to each their own! I know that I look like a red-faced, sweaty, train wreck when I am done with my workout. And I have no need to put that all over the internet. Maybe one day.... but most likely not. Phew, glad I got that out there.
Congrats on your awesome 5k/10k! I hear you on the living on a hill thing. I live on a plateau so running away from home is easy and enjoyable, but coming back owns my butt big time.