Monday, July 23, 2012

Best Body Bootcamp 2 - Week One Goals

Back at it, Round Two of Best Body Bootcamp! I am really excited. The next 8 weeks are going to be awesome. I am really trying to lose the last 5 or so lbs, but even more so, to tone up. This boot camp will give me just the boost that I need. I've recently settled in to the habit of working out after work every day, but incorporating some intentional healthy goals will help turn these goals in to habits. I really need to be better about drinking water throughout the day because I have felt a little dehydrated these past few weeks. This summer has been chaotic, to say the least, so I am looking forward to getting back in to a structured workout routine.

Side note: I really needed to get new running shoes, and I finally ordered some replacements so I can run again. Thank you Brooks for releasing some new Glycerin's just in time, so that I could get my old ones on sale. Although I love my shiny new shoes, I will only be wearing them for running. I'll do all of my other cardio in my old shoes.


Here are my planned workouts for the week - I may end up switching them up depending on my schedule

Monday: 20 minutes of HIIT + upper body strength training
Tuesday: 20 minute walk (maybe a run?) + lower body strength training
Wednesday: 40 minutes of eliptical intervals + core work
Thursday: 20 minute walk (maybe a run?) + full body strength training
Friday: Long walk, exploring the greenway near my new apartment
Saturday: Rest day
Sunday: 40 minutes of eliptical intervals + core work

Goal 1: Drink 64 oz. of water before the end of the work day (then drink more at home)

Goal 2: Be in bed by 10:30 PM

Week 1, here I come!

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So now that you've heard all of my thoughts, I want to hear yours!

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